Stokes State Forest Recap
Thanks to everyone who braved the 26 degree weather at the trail-head! And special thanks to the new hikers who came out as well, it was great to meet each of you. Luke rated this hike an 8 out of 10 and while we may quibble with the values, I think we can all agree it was a great way to spend a Saturday. My Strava stats match the predicted length and elevation for the first time in our history - 10.19 miles with a 1,472 total elevation game - well done! And further, I promise once Brian stops distracting me I will do better at making correct turns at trail-head junctions. Our Relive video is below (click YouTube when the video starts to make it larger). And our photo album is here (and linked to the right) with some few highlights below. Taking a rest at a junction Mike and Fred showing how nimble they are during a dangerous stream crossing Proof it was cold Getting on the AT Gibbs on top of the world Bob and Zack keeping ...