Hike #7 Recap - Schunnemunk Mountain State Park

Updated 5/23 with new pictures That was a fun hike! And with 6 hours on the trail there were an inordinate amount of pictures shared, head to the album to see them all. And please keep sending them in, I'll add to the album and post as I get them. Blue skies on Sweet Clover Trail The hike that seemed destined to fail pulled through at the last minute. The ride north on Route 287 featured downpour after downpour, but once within 10 miles of the trail-head the rain had stopped and there were even signs of sunshine. After a short delay (we'll say due to faulty hardware) the trail looked like this when we began - a picture perfect start. Clouds later rolled in but we were never rained on despite hearing some thunder well off in the distance. The climb to the highest elevation in Orange County was difficult and took some time, but the scrub pines and the regular views at the top were well worth it. It seemed between each open rock formation ther...