Hike #13 - Mt Minsi

Hike Date - Saturday, February 22nd

For this hike we'll head back to where it all began.... sort of.  Instead of hiking to the summit of Mt Tammany as we did in our first hike, we'll take in some great views of Tammany as we hike to the summit of her sister, Mount Minsi.  This hike is entirely on the Pennsylvania side of the Delaware Water Gap and additional highlights of this route include a few minor rock scrambles, and a lovely Rhododendron tunnel (or 2, or 3), and a better than average fire road.  We'll also test our navigation skills by ending on a lovely un-blazed section called Table Rock
  • Start Time - 9:00 AM
  • Length - Appx 5.9 Miles (It's winter!)
  • Elevation Gain - ~1000 feet
  • Difficulty - Moderate to Challenging
  • Expected Duration - 3-5 hours
  • Park Trail Map - NPS Trail Map
  • Our Route - Our Route
  • Parking Location - A gravel lot off of Lake Road in Bangor, PA.  GPS Coordinates:  40.979850, -75.142087 and Google Maps link
  • Restrooms - There are some on the NJ side at the Kittatinny Point Visitor Center, hopefully they are open in winter.  Worst case there are porta-potties at the Dunnfield Creek parking area.
Lou has done this route in the past and the most difficult portion is a 1/2 mile section starting around 1.25 mile mark.  Overall, the climb to the summit is about 925 feet in 1.6 miles, nothing this group hasn't done before but will put a burn in your quad's for sure.

On the way back we should plan on sticking together as we tackle some some un-blazed recreational trails that add to the fun of this area.

Note:  Mt Minsi is the scene we are looking towards in the blog title.

Blazes and Mileage
  • 2.4 M - Appalachian Trail (White, south) to the summit
  • 0.4 M - Appalachian Trail (White North) retracing for a small section
  • 1.5 M - Fire Road (Un-blazed, north)
  • 0.6 M - Lettini Trail Loop
  • 0.2 M - Fire Road (Un-blazed, north
  • 0.6 M - Table Rock Spur (unblazed, north)
  • 0.2 M - Appalachian Trail (White, north)


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