Ted Stiles Preserve Recap

Mercer County Park proved to be what one would expect from Central Jersey hiking.  The trail itself was a little repetitive and the views were sparse, but the company was excellent and the day was thoroughly enjoyable.   Also, the blazes on the trail were sparse and the online map colors did not match the blazes in some areas ,which proved to be difficult.  As a result we missed eastern most parts of the park (Kuser Trail).  Regardless, we pushed on and only backtrack once, or twice, or maybe it was three times?  Luckily we ran into someone who pointed us in the right direction.

We also "saw" Philadelphia!  Or that could have been a water tower on the horizon, but let's stick with Philly and pat each other on the back for great eyesight.

The group clocked in 8 miles in about 4 hours including a 15 minute break for "lunch" so we collectively made the best time so far this year.  Nice job everyone!

Here are some photos and please send along any good shots you may have captured along the way.

Thanks Lee!  Also confirmation of over 1000 ft elevation gain.
Most trails looked a lot like this, but pretty sure we're looking at Ridge Trail.
An unexpected rock scramble off Summit Trail.
Ruins of an abandoned structure
Jeff caught us double checking the route on the park map

A rather lovely meadow at the intersection of Summit and Ridge trails.
Squint and you can see Philly (maybe!?) - courtesy of John 
"Break Time" by Jeff

Nice work everyone, and none of us look weary.

The AT&T Crew! (courtesy of John)


  1. Thanks for posting, so quickly too! I was a nice hike & great to see everyone!

  2. Fun few hours for sure!


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